NEW Bible Match Now Available to Share God's Word!

“New believers are basing their lives solely on the Bible,” says a Reach A Village ministry partner from Myanmar. “The Bible is the main source for them to learn more about God, His love, His will and His teachings. The Bible gives them the truth and tells them everything they want to know.”

In Myanmar and in every country where our ministry partners serve, people need Bibles. But the supply of Bibles is not large enough to meet those needs. In fact, of the 228,694* people who accepted Jesus as their Savior over the past two years, only 137,540 actually received their own Bibles. Your prayers and financial gifts now will help more than you will ever know.

A new opportunity to help meet future needs for Bibles is now open and available. Through the generosity of a $35,000 match gift, your gift will be doubled until the match is met. So for each $7 you give, you will be providing 2 Bibles while this match is active.

How can you help make sure every new believer receives a Bible to read and study? How is God calling you to be part of the answer to this ongoing need? Seek His guidance and direction today. Then respond as He leads to help bless their eager hearts and fill their waiting hands!

Give Now

P.S. To help you provide even more Bibles, we will send you free Bible bank boxes. You can request as many as you need. Fill one in your home, and give them to friends and family so they can fill one, too!

Request a Bible Bank Box

*Reach A Village fiscal year statistics, 2022 and 2023 combined.