Janver Holly

Janver Holly wholeheartedly committed his life to Jesus at age 17.  He has been a builder, compulsive company starter, and developer since age 17, with a stint as a youth pastor in the middle.  Along the way he completed a degree in Bible as well as seminary degrees in theology and divinity; and has pastored different churches on an interim basis.  He has compassion for those not yet knowing Jesus, which has led to lifelong efforts to serve people through meeting both physical and spiritual needs.  He currently heads up Life-Rock, a Jesus centered non-profit organization of Sober living homes. He also is an elder at his church focusing on prayer ministries, discipleship and outreach to men not yet in the kingdom of God. 

Janver brings more than 20 years of board leadership experience, along with development and organizational structure skills.  He considers himself a deeply flawed individual, saved by God’s grace, who daily enjoys undeserved intimacy, love and joy with our Father and others.