"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love." Galatians 5:13
As 2019 came to a close, we celebrated the many fresh reminders of God's goodness! 2019 has been a wonderful year of ministry, and we thank you for your faithful gifts and prayers. Together, we serve our God — the author of salvation and the giver of freedom to those who seek Him.
Together, we worked to share the Gospel and reach people in 2,230 more unreached villages. Together, we thank God for the 222,612 new believers who found unprecedented freedom in committing their lives to Jesus Christ! On average, for every $10.54 you gave, one person made a commitment to Christ, completed a Bible study series and is now participating in a house church.
With your help:
- Our ministry partners in Thailand experienced the largest baptism celebration on a single day in the country’s history.
- Our ministry partners in Cambodia continue their plan to reach every one of the more than 13,000 villages within the next five years.
- Derek in Poland, who had attempted suicide three times, is now a follower of Jesus and shares the Gospel with prison inmates as part of the largest prison ministry in his nation.
The annual report also tells about some incredible opportunities that God provided to share about our ministry. Reach A Village was featured in Christianity Today, AFA Journal, One-on-One With Ed Stetzer and on WDJC radio in Birmingham, Alabama.
As you read the Reach A Village 2019 Annual Report, "Called to Be Free," thank God for the many people who are now your brothers and sisters in Christ because of your faithful giving. We thank God for you.
Serving Christ Together,
Robert Craft
Founder and President