March Month of Prayer:
Begins Soon!
Build up Treasures in Heaven:
Make an Eternal Impact through your estate plan
Spring Within Reach Praise Report:
Joyful in Hope!
2024 Annual Report:
And His name will be the hope of all the world!
God is transforming
hearts and lives around the world!

Reaching Those Who Have Never Heard

An Urgent Need

An Urgent Need

Today, 3 billion people are unreached. If nothing changes, it will take centuries for them all to hear the Gospel. How long must they wait?

Explore Our Ministry

Our Approach to Missions

Our Approach to Missions

How did you hear about Jesus? The answer for most of us would be through family and friends. The same is true around the world, and that is why we partner with local Christians to reach their own people. This approach enables the Gospel to be communicated more clearly, quickly and efficiently.

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Phenomenal Results

Phenomenal Results

Every day, people are choosing Jesus as their Lord and Savior with open arms and great joy. Their stories show our mighty God at work!

Read Their Testimonies

Exceptional Impact

Exceptional Impact

We want to help people have a lifelong relationship with Jesus, the Bible and a thriving local church. In 2024 alone, we helped to bring over 162,000 people into a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Learn More

Give with Confidence

Give with Confidence

We take the Great Commission seriously. The efficiency of our approach and our commitment to accountability ensure your gifts go further to reach every village for Christ.

Explore Our Accountability

Help Fuel the Movement

Help Fuel the Movement

You can play a real and vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission and transforming lives and communities for Christ. Partner with us today!

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  • Craig
    Reach A Village embraces Jesus’ commission to the Church: preach the Gospel to all the world. New believers in Christ will share the Gospel with others. Your gift helps to bring about an everlasting harvest.
  • Roger and Donna
    We support Reach A Village because we feel their passion for serving Christ and reaching the unreached. These dedicated people are bringing the Gospel to people who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.
    Roger and Donna
  • Wayne
    Your gifts to Reach A Village will help reach the unreached of the world.
  • Jadonna
    I give to Reach A Village because this organization efficiently uses its funds to help national people reach their own people. Nationals already know their language and culture, and know how best to reach their neighboring villages. It's a privilege to give and see God at work!
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