Mobilizing disciples

These local disciples are carefully vetted to determine their spiritual maturity and readiness to lead others. Trainees are mobilized to areas where the Gospel has not yet been proclaimed. (Mark 1:38) Because they are being sent to reach their own people for Christ, there are fewer barriers and costs than there are with traditional Western missionaries.

Mobilizing disciples involves constantly equipping local leaders and believers in these four Areas:

  1. Scripture and Materials

    Reach A Village supplies each person being trained with:
    • Evangelistic materials, such as Scriptures, to give to contacts they meet
    • Discipleship Bible study materials for seekers and new believers they engage in community Bible studies New Testaments and Bibles that new believers and new church members are given to keep after completing the series of Bible study lessons (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
    • Scripture and materials are in the local language and culturally appropriate.

  2. Modular Training
    Like Jesus’ disciples, these modern-day disciples undergo intensive, on-the-job training. At regular intervals during a period of 12-24 months, experienced trainers provide 3- to 5-day modular sessions of group instruction. The training sessions provide a total of 100 hours or more of teaching. (Mark 2:13)

    They learn practical skills in strategic evangelism, discipleship, establishing worship and raising up leaders within the church. In between the group modules, they go out and apply what they have learned in the unreached community where they are working to establish a new church fellowship. (Mark 3:14 NLT2)

  3. Mentoring
    Jesus taught His disciples not only by word, but by modeling what they were to do. Each individual going through our training is supported by a mature, experienced mentor who provides coaching and guidance throughout the process. (Luke 11:28 NLT2)

  4. Measuring and Mapping
    Trainees submit regular progress reports, measuring the impact by reporting how many people complete a Bible study, decide to follow Jesus, are baptized and how many churches are started. (Matthew 14:21) This adds a level of accountability to continue to sustain the spiritual growth of new believers. We also are working to map all of the unreached villages in many countries across Southeast Asia to help with reaching them.