Rev. Robert Craft
Rev. Robert Craft

Robert Craft has a ministry background of more than 50 years as a pastor, missionary and evangelical missions leader. He is the founder and is serving as the Servant-at-Large (AKA-President) of Reach A Village. He has been working alongside international Christian leaders since 1989.

Bob has been involved in evangelism and discipleship ministry, helping local churches reach out to their own communities and beyond. He has served in ministry throughout Southeast Asia for the past 40 years, helping train local pastors and Christian workers in their efforts to grow and establish new churches. He has also been involved in multiple projects to develop training curriculum as well as discipleship/Bible study curriculum. Bob has a degree in Christian Education from Trevecca Nazarene University and is a graduate of Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada, with a focus in Bible/Missions. While living in the Philippines, he also continued some graduate courses at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) in Manila, Philippines, related specifically to theology in the Asian context.

From 2006-2008, Bob was involved in the development of the “Discovery Bible Study” (DBS) method. This particular Bible study method is being used in current “Disciple Making Movements” (DMM) around the world. Well-known organizations like Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), Youth With A Mission (YWAM) along with many others have begun using this method of Bible study in their programs. Click here to learn more about Bob's involvement in DBS. 

Bob founded Reach A Village in 2012 after seeing that hundreds of thousands of villages in Southeast Asia have remained untouched by mission efforts, even though there are Bibles and other resources available in their many local languages. These villages represent more than 2 billion people!

Bob says this about the role of Reach A Village in modern missions: "The most effective and efficient way of reaching the remaining unreached villages of the world is through equipping local, indigenous Christians to reach their own people. Reach A Village helps them have the mobility, materials and training they need to carry out the Great Commission in unreached villages. As a result, new villages are reached every single day with the Gospel, and new churches are established where there were none before."