A Real Christmas Gift!

Bernila*, a high school student, grew up in a very religious family. “My family never misses Sunday services, and my grandparents and parents are leaders in our church,” she says. “Christmas has always been an exciting time for us, as it gives us more time to spend together and join the Misa de Gallo (night mass) which runs from December 16 to 24.” She recalls the gifts she received from family members and relatives. Her childhood memories of Christmas celebrations are very good.  

But Christmas 2023 was Bernila’s best Christmas ever because she received a gift that will last for all eternity. On the last day of the Values Education class at her school, Bernila heard why Jesus, the Prince of Heaven, came down to earth.

“My teacher’s explanation was simple and clear,” Bernila says. “At the end, she challenged us to receive the true Christmas gift: Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Tears started to flow down my face. I prayed to Jesus and asked Him to come into my life. Joy and peace filled my heart in a way that I'd never felt before! What a real Christmas gift this is for me!”

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*We have changed the name and used a stock image for this testimony to protect privacy.