Bringing New Life

Yeva was worried. About her daughter, Kayiane. About her two grandchildren. Her concern drew her to a place where she knew they could find help and meet Jesus.

Summer camps in Armenia provide many opportunities for children — and their families — to encounter Jesus. “We are reaching families that have had little or no interaction with the church or religion,” says Malik, one of Reach A Village’s ministry partners. “Through our Summer Camps, we have the time to introduce them to God and His Word.”

Armenia’s Summer Camp program focuses on the issues and problems that are troubling the children and adolescents who attend. “We learn about their daily lives, and we care for them in many ways,” Malik says. “When Yeva came to us, we saw a great opportunity to help.”

Yeva approached the camp directors and asked if her grandchildren could attend the camp. Of course, the children were invited to come. When they arrived on their first day, they were very upset and shy. Everyone welcomed them warmly, but they didn't respond. “They were deeply depressed and unable to interact with anyone,” Malik says. “We were surprised to see the desperation in their faces.”

“The camp routine and what the children learn are just what my grandchildren needed,” Yeva says. “The food fed their bodies. Hearing about the Lord fed their souls.”

Kayiane was very grateful for the care her children received at the camp. “We don’t have much money,” she says. “Knowing they were eating good meals made me happy.”

As Kayiane and her children began to trust the people at the camp, they revealed a deeper problem in their family. “My children’s father is doing drugs,” she says. “He sold everything we had in our house to feed his addiction. He took away everything from his children. He took away his love for them and money for us to live on.”

As Summer Camp continued, Yeva and Kayiane saw the power of God’s Word at work in their family. “Because of the camp, we saw light in the children’s faces once again,” Kayiane says. “The care and prayers sparked life in them. Being with other children was difficult for them at first. Now, they are joyful and happy and playing games with everyone else.”

Yeva agrees and adds, “The Lord brought a new life for our family.”

After Summer Camp concluded, Kayiane and her children began meeting with other believers for Bible study, worship and prayer. “We pray for their father,” Yeva says. “We pray for his redemption, return to his family and his cure from addiction. May the Lord help him love his wonderful children.”

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