Child of God

"When you realize from childhood that no one needs you in this life, it leaves a deep mark on you for the rest of your life." That was Svetlana's description of Sergei, the teenager she and her husband adopted. Because of partners like you, this young orphaned boy first heard about Jesus through Reach A Village’s ministry partners in Ukraine.

During Bible studies led by local believers, Svetlana realized the truth of James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress …” She and her husband realized that even with five children of their own, they could not remain indifferent to Sergei’s needs. After many prayers, they applied to adopt him.

He came to their home with a heart of stone and a firm conviction that he had been adopted for profit. For the first time in his life, the boy heard about Jesus. He joined his new family in prayer and Bible study. The two summer youth camps he attended were a great joy to him. But he still believed that he was too insignificant for God to care about him. 

As an adult, Sergei became a soldier and fought for his country. A chaplain came to their military unit and shared the Gospel. Sergei remembered what he had learned while living with his adoptive family. When he was badly wounded, he finally accepted the truth of God’s Word and became a follower of Jesus. Now, he studies and shares the Gospel with other wounded soldiers.

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