Glory to the Lord

Edgar grew up in a central European village. As a teenager, he loved athletics and fitness activities. When a gym opened nearby, he began attending. He was confident about his physical health and considered himself a good man. But he was not spiritually healthy.

At age 18, he was required to serve in his country’s army and protect his homeland. “During my days in the army, I really felt the hand of God,” Edgar says. “I was never afraid, even during the fighting.”

Edgar finished his military service and returned home. But his previous love for physical fitness was no longer enough to fill his life. “I felt empty inside,” he says. “Life became very boring for me. I did not have a job or hope for the future.”

Instead of pursuing the things of the world, Edgar began learning more about God. “I searched the internet for videos about God and the afterlife,” he says. “Once when I was watching a video about hell, I was afraid to think about what was coming.”

Edgar asked a Christian friend about God. The man invited him to study the Bible with a group of friends. “I liked the group because they were young people,” Edgar says. “I liked to hear them speaking about God and Christ. I kept attending.”

Just a few months later, Edgar repented and accepted Jesus as his Savior. When he started living in God's ways, he began having problems with his job. “I prayed for a long time that God would guide me to a new job,” he says. “I was finally hired as a driver in a military unit. That wasn’t what I wanted to do, but I did it.”

Every day, Edgar went to work. Every day, he made time to pray. His communication with God comforted him. “I began to rely more on God,” he says. “One day, I was sitting at work by the heater, warming myself and praying silently. My supervisor came in and asked me to tell him about God. I did so with great joy.”

“I realized it was not by chance that I came to that place,” Edgar says. “I had to share the Word of God with others there. Now, many come and talk with me about their troubles. We pray together. Through my work, I can bring glory to the Lord.”`

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