Overwhelming response and life-changing experiences!

When unreached people hear for the first time about a loving Savior who sacrificed Himself for them, their lives change forever. Every day — even though you don’t hear these stories in the news — hundreds of people are responding and beginning a new life with Jesus!

God is working through Reach A Village and our ministry partners to change individual lives, countries and our world. As we connect believers with those who need to hear the Gospel, the truth of God’s Word takes hold.

Reach A Village uses three main types of ministry to reach the unreached villages:

    • Starting New Churches
    • Discipling New Believers
    • Children's Bible Ministry

When the Gospel arrives in a village, hope and transformation spread through lives, families and the entire community. As people immerse themselves in the Bible and come to know Christ on a deeper level, lives and lifestyles change. The moral fiber of the village transforms. The local
church provides continuing discipleship and outreach in the community and beyond for generations to come!

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