

Stories of Transformation through Christ!

More than one million villages still have not heard the Gospel. You can help us reach as many as possible. People, just like these, are waiting to be transformed by Christ.

Every village that is reached results in amazing stories of transformation through the power of Jesus Christ. These are real stories of real people.  


Ediyan was born into a family of traditional Muslims in North Macedonia. His grandmother taught him about Islam and faithfully took him to the mosque. There he learned the traditions and beliefs. Eventually, he followed the ways of Islam.

At age 15, Ediyan moved with his family to a Gypsy Roma neighborhood. A Bible study group was meeting weekly across the street from their house. When the believers invited him to attend, he took a risk and joined them.

Instead of hearing the truth of the Gospel that night, however, Ediyan filtered everything he heard through his Islamic faith. Feeling...

Vithu in Cambodia was carrying the weight of the hopeless struggles in his life. His granddaughter was causing serious trouble in their family. His body was weak, and he could find no relief from his sickness.

Consulting a fortune teller, Vithu paid a lot of money to hear: “You have done wrong to your ancestral spirits, and you must please them.” He followed the instructions given, offering food to the evil spirits and participating in a ceremony to worship them. His sickness only became worse, and Vithu was certain he was going to die.

One day, Ponlok, a follower of Jesus, came to visit...

When Taimoor decided to divorce his wife and leave his Muslim life in Iran, he believed he and his son, Davar, had a better future waiting for them in Europe. So they began their journey. From Bulgaria to Serbia to Hungary, they searched for their dream life.

After a brief time in Bulgaria, Taimoor and Davar illegally crossed the border into Serbia. Authorities apprehended them and placed them in a shelter for migrants. God was waiting to meet them there. He sent Luka, a Bible teacher, to share the Gospel with them. Luka also helped find resources to meet their physical needs.


A bold dream changed Tanja’s entire focus. She wanted to leave her home country of North Macedonia and start a new life. She didn’t know how or even why this dream controlled all her actions and decisions. But there was one certainty for her. Making this dream come true for her and her family — her husband, Iko, and her daughters, Lina and Mona — depended solely on her and her efforts.

Tanja and her family spent many years living apart from God. She allowed the dream of leaving her country to control everything in their life together. “I wanted what was best for my family,” she says. “I...